Sunday, July 19, 2009

Dear Acceptance

There's the constructed and the reconstructed, the buildings that have gone through the same processes time and time again to make things work, or the words that have been changed, (im)perfected and debated over. There are the hearts made of plastic that choke the turtles in the sea, there are the times where you insisted that there's no life in a tree but a forest has the capacity to stop you from changing from slave to free. You've got your capitalism and your ideologies, I've been sleeping in playgrounds and flying with swings. A bird had blotted out the moon, it shone there through its wings. There's significance and soul in the most trivial things.

What's the definition of insignificance? Whether the weather is accurate or not, the differentiation between lines and dots: it's a learning experience that most have forgot. You can be an optimist on opium or a pessimistic person, but the significance still lies there. You could be sleeping or leaving or splitting some old grey hairs but it's still a reflection on your life (whatever that word means). I'd prefer to write a commentary than be held between two teams because they make it seem so straight forward, one kicks one to their knees. But that's not something to live by: within the set of morals you have from your parents, the bible, or your brothels; you have to do as you please.

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