Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Psycho, American.

-An ode of sorts to all of Bret Easton Ellis' (author) main characters. The quotes are from American Psycho.

Throwing coins into a jar:
"Abandon all hope ye who enter here".
A lifetime of suffocation, dust and death.
You can choose whichever adjective you see fit.

You’re a bit of a coin
Passed around, dented, dirty, deluded;
Surrounded but so alone.
The cities of choking loneliness.

Dressed in your best, white of whites.
How could you live without hope?
Eyes not blue nor brown nor green.
There’s a displacement inside.

And in your dreams you have a soul.
The laughter is gone with the winter.
Searching through thin forests of fairytales
Instead of a prince: “this is not an exit”.

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