Monday, June 1, 2009

Sun and Moon

It is impossible to escape you. Your exhale has to be my inhale or else you’ll try to pull me back. Are you sick of getting what you want? Is it really compassion that I lack? I am Melancholy and you are Euphoria, we dream the same dream but in different angles in different light. And never at the same time. We sleep in different nights. Sometimes I want you to step in my arms, away from that stinging sun. Sometimes I swear I’m insane for always coming back to where we begun. In vain attempts I took six from seven and never have been left with more. I told you that I want to leave, and you echoed “without me you’ll never find what you’re looking for”. I will pull your body over my head to hide beneath the moon. Now I’ve ceased my breathing and you’re complaining I’m leaving all too soon.

“I never called you in the morning to simply say hello. I was making sure you wouldn’t cry, you wouldn’t scream or go. There have been times I couldn't stand you, there have been times I wanted to scream. All the times I split hairs and crying 'you're never what you seem'. The flowers started shrinking, I just blamed it on the cold; but then the trees started creaking and I knew that they would fold. Your home was written within these walls, so why are you drifting further away? You will always be the same, Melancholy, but change from day to day.”

1 comment:

Me. said...

This is absolutely fucking amazing!

Holy shit.